2011年3月18日星期五 {♥} 22:27
I love God because He knew my destiny.
I love God because He made me part of His eternal plan.
I love God because He first loved me.
- I love Him for all the things He's done for me.
I love Him for all that He is, all that He is to me.
But, most of all, I love Him as the Spirit
Who deep within my spirit lives.
I love God because He gave Himself for me.
I love God because He conquered death that I might live in Him.
I love God because He first loved me.
I love God because He is transforming me.
I love God because He's building up the New Jerusalem.
I love God because He still loves me.
Source: http://www.hymnal.net/hymn.php/ns/65#ixzz1GxgBMDBx
This is the hymn i sang in house meeting tonight.
I really enjoy the hymn.
I see that God already love us long before the world began, before we were born in this world.
This is such a great LOVE.
And we can love God because He first Love us =))
Really thank god that He love us first and is still loving us!
Oh Lord Jesus, I love you.
Gain us to love you more each day.
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